The Government takes away another one of the "few pleasures left in life"



I paid off my mortgage and I want the pleasure of personally taking the mortgage discharge to the local registry office, paying the fee, and registering the discharge.


Due to the fact that the Land Registration System in most municipalities is now electronic, you cannot register documents unless you are licensed to do so by the corporation that operates the system.


Most banks, mortgage companies and lawyers are licensed under the Teranet system and therefore, your discharge of the mortgage will have to be registered by them. When you pay off your mortgage ask your lending institution if they register the discharge for you or should you take it to your lawyer to be done. Thus you cannot do it yourself and you have lost one more pleasure in life.

The foregoing should not be considered to be legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please consult a lawyer to get advice and an opinion on your unique circumstances.