Oakville's Urban Structure Review


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Changes to Oakville's Urban Structure

The Town's Livable Oakville Sub-Committee received a report from the Town's planning staff on May 17, 2017 which outlined the recommended changes to the Urban Structure section of the Official Plan.  Urban Structure is used to provide an overview of the land use arrangements for a particular municipality. What will result is an Official Plan Amendment and possibly changes to the Town's Zoning By-law. 

There are some changes to the Town's Urban Structure that may concern residents and business owners. As Official Plan Amendments may ultimately effect land use, it is important that you keep informed of how the changes proposed may effect you and to provide feedback to the Town if there are concerns. Additional information on the Urban Structure review is provided by the Town  here.

Timeline wise, the Town will be holding a Public Information Meeting at Town Hall on May 30, 2017 to go over these proposed changes. This will be a chance for residents and business owners to voice their concerns. The Official Plan Amendment will be before Planning and Development Council on June 12, 2017, which will also be a statutory public meeting, and is another forum for individuals to express their thoughts about the proposed changes. Please note, participation in public consultation ensures that your future right of appeal is protected. If one fails to make submissions to the Town on the proposed Official Plan Amendment before it is passed by Council, then they lose their right to appeal the amendment approved by Council to the Ontario Municipal Board (should they end up wanting to do so).

For more information on the changes to Urban Structure or how your property may be affected, please feel free to contact us.


The foregoing should not be considered to be legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please consult a lawyer to get advice and an opinion on your unique circumstances.