Libel and Slander

Reputation is everything. Your and your business’ reputation matters to OMH. Defamatory statements can hurt you or your business’ reputation and can cause financial harm.   When someone defames you, or your business, through either written or oral words our knowledgeable lawyers can assist you in stemming those damages.  OMH counsel are knowledgeable in preparing cease and desist letters, Libel and Slander Act notices, or start an action as necessary. They can ensure the proper notices are provided so that your, and your Company’s, reputation is protected and any damages are minimized.  OMH lawyers also understand the Protection of Public Participation Act, 2015 amending s. 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act, also known as the anti- strategic lawsuits against public participation (Anti-SLAPP) legalisation and can either assist you in bringing such a motion or responding to one. Libel and Slander litigation has its own rules and procedures, OMH lawyers can help navigate them for you.

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