Corporate Governance

In our corporate governance practice, we regularly advise public and private issuers and not-for-profit organizations and their boards of directors on a wide range of structural and strategic governance issues. Our corporate governance group offers thoughtful, pragmatic, and tailored on-going and time-sensitive advice which reflects not only our deep understanding and expertise in corporate governance matters but also our involvement in the development of governance policies and practices and knowledge of emerging trends affecting corporate governance legislation, principles, and practices.

We work with clients in creating and enhancing corporate governance mandates and processes, directors’ and officers’ duties, compliance with corporate and regulatory obligations, disclosure and filing requirements, best governance practices, shareholder rights and remedies, shareholder and stakeholder engagement, communication with shareholders and stakeholders,  insurance and indemnity issues, board and committee composition and responsibilities, crisis management, AI oversight, cybersecurity, and risk management.  We bring regulatory and policy experience and expertise in advising generally on corporate governance matters, assisting with significant corporate and organizational transactions, acting as special counsel to boards of directors, special or independent committees and individual directors, and being involved in regulatory or other types of investigations.   Our corporate governance practice strives to provide our clients with informed insight and solutions responsive to their business needs and designed to mitigate risk.

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